moonkissed's Journal

moonkissed's Journal


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15 entries this month

14:37 Mar 31 2011
Times Read: 1,061

Congratulate me, the Spring depression has begun.

I recognize it by the sudden way I feel like crap and want to bawl my eyes out and can't even get up the energy to do that. Cigarettes don't help, coffee doesn't help. The only thing I seem to feel passionate about is dispassion and even that takes to much effort...

I will push through it like I always do. It always passes eventually.



16:06 Mar 31 2011

Pick a good spot and let yourself cry.

You will feel better,I promise.

16:41 Mar 31 2011

well we could always just let you take it out on someone lol

16:42 Mar 31 2011

Like who?


04:32 Mar 30 2011
Times Read: 1,066

Okoi is now part of VR history! The smoking hot blood sucking tomboy from Basilisk.

A friend loaned us his box set and it was awesome and beautiful, I need to watch the whole thing again!




19:23 Mar 29 2011
Times Read: 1,068

Making oatmeal cookies, sans raisons. I haven't got any. The cookies are working out though.

I got a nod from the man and Saori practically ripped her cookie out of my hand.

Perhaps ripped is a bit strong of a word, she is a rat after all. She was quite enthusiastic though and she is very finicky.

On another related note, I was concerned yesterday that my old fashioned buzzy oven timer was broken but it seems to have made a recovery and is buzzing away 10 minutes after I set it as it is supposed to.




18:41 Mar 28 2011
Times Read: 1,072

Update on Shadow, she actually made it onto the back of the couch today. Since the cats sleep up there it is a favorite perch for her since she seems to think she is a small animal and can sleep up there. This would be the first time in over a week she has jumped onto the furniture by herself.




15:02 Mar 27 2011
Times Read: 1,073

I am very sorry I can't stick around today. I am feeling a little better than yesterday but we need to go to Granny's house and fix that lawn mower.

Have a good day people!




17:02 Mar 26 2011
Times Read: 1,079

I do not feel good today. Woke up with sore throat, icky nose, achy head and a general feeling of blah ick.



17:23 Mar 26 2011

Hope you feel better soon. :)


18:57 Mar 24 2011
Times Read: 1,081

Getting back to my Masters of Horror marathon...




13:01 Mar 24 2011
Times Read: 1,082

Today, I am going to attempt that which has not been done in a very long time...(DUN DUN DUN)

I will go outside and spend time working in my garden, well garden to be.

I do not go outside very much(except to smoke or take the dogs out; those don't count because in one case I don't even leave the porch and in the other it is something that has to be done.)

I rather prefer the safety of my room and being under my comfy quilt sewing mismatched patches onto it also the sun disagrees with me. I get headaches and burn within minutes of exposure, when I say burn I mean that I go outside in a tank top for 5 minutes and when I come in my skin is very pink; that pink gets darker and darker red until it hurts and usually ends up a maroon or brick color. After all of that mess it doesn't even tan. I will spend a couple of days feeling cold and nauseous before my skin goes back to pale and begins to peel.

It's just not worth it but I want vegetables dammit! So here I go...long sleeves and a stocking cap.




19:32 Mar 23 2011
Times Read: 1,114

Some people...

Need to get a life.



19:35 Mar 23 2011

*And the angels sing in glorious harmony* AAAAAAAAAAMENNNNNN!

19:41 Mar 23 2011

I love you too!

19:52 Mar 23 2011

I do have a life.


It's called the life of Ducky McDuckster.


21:17 Mar 23 2011

The life of Darkwing Duckie? oO


12:48 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 1,142

Sometimes profiles give me a headache and I remember why I stopped rating them. Everything from the obvious whack offs to the obviously retarded; the utterly stupid and delusional(My mother was a vampire, my father was a werewolf, they both fucked an alien and the alien took a turd which was molded and shaped into a pet rock until I was born...)Good Grief!

Every once in a while I come upon a profile in which the person really is very well spoken. Dignified, decent and intelligent; until I read that is.

Now everyone is not perfect, I am not perfect; spellcheck is my friend and if I am not sure I have used a word or phrase in proper context I look it up. The written word is very important to me and I like to see it used well and properly though sometimes in a moment of silliness I will resort to made up words and purposeful misspellings.

My husband misspells words all the time and has the occasional grammatical errors; he has the Southern education system working against him as well a brain befuddled from war, stress, Diabetes and failing(slowly but still...)eyesight. Him I will give a pass, should he call himself 'some one' instead of 'someone'; I think his occasional mistake of 'minuet' for 'minute' is adorable, kind of Freudian really.

I do digress...ever hear the phrasing; beautiful until they open the mouth or she had a smoking body and a butter face?

Well when a person makes certain errors that is how I feel, disappointed.

The word peek means 1a : to look furtively b : to peer through a crack or hole or from a place of concealment —often used with in or out

2: to take a brief look : glance

The word peak 1: a pointed or projecting part of a garment; especially : the visor of a cap or hat

2: promontory

3: a sharp or pointed end

They are not synonyms.

There and their are two words meaning completely different things.

Meet and meat; I would hope a person would know the difference. The same goes for beet and beat...

The list can go on but I know people have already moved on to the next persons journal, so I will just say this...when an obviously intelligent human being makes and error like that; not to know the difference in text between something a person does and something a person eats(beats)is just embarrassing.



12:56 Mar 22 2011

I can't agree more. Fair enough a few of the members on here don't speak English as their first language, but the level of incompetence is slowly creeping up. We all went to school, and seriously, not this many members could have failed English lessons.

13:10 Mar 22 2011

yeah yeah about English as a second language. I usually look to see where the person is from and if it says hell or 'up your ass' I just assume it is someone who has always spoken in my native tongue.

People who speak it as a second language have a certain cadence of type that once processed and recognized is unmistakable.

13:16 Mar 22 2011

... Again, I agree. :P

The errors that really irk me are "there" "their" and "they're" and the last one is seldom used by people anyway.

Grr. :P

13:24 Mar 22 2011

mmm hmmm you bet! It's butchery.

14:14 Mar 22 2011

...I hate "could of..."

...and the correct way: could have


14:20 Mar 22 2011

I wholeheartedly agree with you. This is exactly why you are one of my favorite people, even though we do not get to speak much. I also love your journal.

14:30 Mar 22 2011

@ Pagan, that one commonly because of sloppy diction; could of would of instead of have.

Thank you Raina, I don't actually think we have passed many words outside of the journal. I appreciate that you read it. One of the things I like about the site is having the capability to post my thoughts without a filter and people would read or not read. It is always good to have a place to vent.

21:07 Mar 23 2011

My biggest pet peeve with profiles are the people who feel the need to text type or TyPe LiKe ThIs or us3 numb3rs for l3tt3rs and do that god awful rainbow text were every letter is a different color. Makes me go crossed eyed.

21:22 Mar 23 2011

My daughter is on facebook and I have told her that she is not permitted to be on VR until she learns to speak correctly.

This is a bad example of her posts, it gets much worse!

thnx(: ive always wnted hair like yours thoughh

05:58 Mar 24 2011

My biggest pet peeved are the numbers that people put Into words.I'm like what the hell.

12:51 Mar 24 2011

I don't get it either.


03:28 Mar 21 2011
Times Read: 1,144

Today was a busy day, got up, made a shopping list, visited with Granny; her lawn mower needs fixed. Went into town and picked the little girl up from her sleep over, grocery shopping at Sam's Club, stopped at Walmart for my seeds; I am determined to have a garden this year!

Get home unload the car, take the dogs outside, go to the Dollar General for bandages because some idiot hit my dog with his truck. I know she shouldn't have been in the street, hell she shouldn't have been off the leash. We live in a pretty rural area with a few neighbors close by and cows and fields on all sides. The kids should be able to play in the street if they want to but no it isn't safe because idiots blow through on a stretch of road marked at 25 mph because of tractors and live stock, going 45 instead.

Shadow was off her leash because recently she had been outside without it and did stay close to the house, she ran across the neighbors yard and was running down the road when Jethro fucking Bodein came tooling along with his jock in his hand and plowed into her ass; quite literally.

I am no forensic scientist but she has a red mark on her right butt cheek and she is so sore she can hardly walk. When he clipped her flank, it did the equivalent of knocking her right out of her shoes but in her case what it did was rip the skin right off of her main paw pad(what we call the palm)of her left hind paw and skinned up the side of her left foot; to paint a visual image: she would have been in the middle of the road, trotting the yellow line(last place I saw her when she wouldn't respond to me and I had to get Myth)when he came down going 45 and struck her left flank above the hip bone with enough force to pick her right side up and drag her enough to rip the skin from the bottom of her paw before she was flung off of his bumper and into the ditch on the other side of the road and he never stopped or slowed. She is a black dog and it was broad daylight, I have seen cars and even 18 wheelers stop cold for the little 5 lb piece of shit across the street but this fucker bowls right over my dog!

She will be ok, she was shocky at first but there are no broken bones, no signs of internal bleeding, no signs of bone displacement. I bandaged her foot and I have her resting on my bed, her appetite is slowed and she is drinking water from a washcloth. She is in pain and her right upper leg is swollen but when I called Myth to dinner she whined her way off the bed so she could stand in her place under the table; usually she sits. We gave her some aspirin for the pain.

I think in a few days she will be able to get up and down the front steps on her own steam again.




23:51 Mar 16 2011
Times Read: 1,162

I have to say that I am proud to be nowhere near The Tops in rankings. I love staying free of political influence; I hope all the mad fishers go out and bait themselves.



04:01 Mar 17 2011

You and me both friend.

07:35 Mar 17 2011

Thanks Oceanne ;)

Don't you just love those Master Baiters?



23:36 Mar 16 2011
Times Read: 1,170

discern it

Learn it

Earn it

burn it

Get over it

Get over yourself

popularity is a number in either direction

Remember on this site being a 10 with only two rates is not better than being a 1 with a 1000.

Guess who everyone will remember...

Randomness is the new black and no one who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks so why should feelings be hurt over name calling and hair pulling?

I am emo/punk/goth/long hair/parent figure/hippy/communist/laid back/control freak and no one would recognize me as any of those if they passed me on the street.

Conformity is in the eye of the beholder.

I prefer to be the rare sheep if I must be a lamb to the slaughter...

Is any of this making sense?

Then please explain it to me, I've confused myself.



23:44 Mar 16 2011

you version of my poem 'the freak'

23:47 Mar 16 2011

I didn't even realize it! They could be twins...fraternal though


21:27 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 1,180

ooo, logged in two days in a row! Yesterday I cruised my coven forums...today I ventured to the journals. Same old crap trap I left behind about a month ago.

Little meaning, some complaints, a dash of politics with a hint of just enough crazy to make me roll my eyes in their sockets.

It feels like home.

Baby steps, baby steps..I will hang out for a short time today and maybe I will even find myself logging on tomorrow.

You never know.




03:51 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 1,187

hmmm, been away a while I guess...no not guess, I know I have. I have truthfully been spending a lot of time on facebook. I can turn my brains to mush soaked formaldehyde biscuits while spending busy days on an imaginary farm or honing my mad zombie killing skills and no thought is required. It is pleasant there. No drama's, no quibbles; just me and a dozen or so cows and horses all dressed like Elvis...

Truth is not something I want to deal with right now. I have had so many highs and lows since the end of January I feel like a badass roller coaster; Monster Moonkissed Madness. In fact lately it seems like everything I am trying to work for is for shit. Every time we are seeing over the horizon we fall into a dip that flash floods and I end up hanging on for dear life.

My time for me and for my writing and socializing with people seems to have disappeared again. Now we have two computers in the house and every time I want to waste a day doing nothing except catching up on emails, with friends, watching programs; it seems like I pay for it or get completely assed out. Example: this week was taken up with things for everyone else, including my husband(I love him so much but sometimes i feel at the mercy of everyone here and want to be left alone!)going to the doctor as well as deciding to take an extra day off when we really need his overtime. I feel like such a bitch....

Something positive, my daughter is ok. A little more jaded than your average 13 year old even after what she has been through is acting more like a survivor of years of spousal abuse than a 13 year old with an epiphany. Over all this experience with the boy, the running away, everything has been educational. Fingers crossed it will be a long time before we go through anything with boys again.

My mind is drifting back to facebook, I wonder if my shark has eaten all his fish yet...I really should check and I have a frost dragon to kill. I don't want that nasty little bugger getting away from me....

My son is doing fair I think, he seems to want to handle things himself right now. I think I will let him, he is such a good boy and if he needs my help he will tell me. He always does.

I appear to be losing my train of thought or maybe it's taken ff without me. I feel overwhelmed, I can confess that much.

Or to be quite plain and blunt, everything seems to suck right now!



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